The trial of Charles Lynch garnered national attention. Charles was not charged with any violations of State Law. It is the opinion of many that Charles may never receive a fair trial in Federal Court due to the ongoing conflict between state and federal laws.

Proposition 215,
also known as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996, was a proposition in the state of California on the November 5, 1996 ballot. It passed with 5,382,915 (55.6%) votes in favor and 4,301,960 (44.4%) against.

Senate Bill 420
was passed by the California Legislature to address vague provisions of Proposition 215. The bill was signed into effect by outgoing Governor Gray Davis in 2003. Reflects a compromise between patients’ advocates and law enforcement, includes controversial state guidelines regarding how much Marijuana patients may grow and possess without being subject to arrest. It also requires counties to implement a voluntary patient identification card system and other provisions to protect patients and their caregivers from arrest

The Controlled Substances Act
The Controlled Substance Act lists marijuana as a Schedule 1 controlled substance. Substances in this schedule are said to have a high rate of abuse and no accepted medical value. Doctors are also not allowed to prescribe Schedule 1 Substances. Schedule 1 Substances include; morphine, meth, herione, peyote, cocaine



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